This story begins in the depths of Shattered Halls. Dezzi, Lleu, Amalore and an evil retarded warlock. Actually, I shouldn't say that.....he was pretty good at killin. The run starts well and we are taking care of business. Good fun with 3 friends and a lock decked out in epics.
Then the fall of the meatshield. We are pulling one of the groups from the side and we about to finish them all off. Two were already down and I had aggro on the other three. Not a big deal considering the pull. Then all of a sudden I see a fresh group of five pull from the other side of the room. We wiped....rather quickly. I immediately inquire as to how the heck we pulled the group from the other side of the room when I was tanking (rather successfully) in the hallway. This is when I realize the lock is mildly retarded. He blames the hunter for not being able to control his pet. Now I hate hunters....with a passion! However, my friend is pretty freaking good at what he does. Furthermore, we have had several conversations about how to control his pet in any instance. Though he can be stupid at times he sure as hell knows how to break fear using Bestial Wrath. This is a mild annoyance since he is just being an ass.
Here is the part where the meatshield wants to let this one die.
We get an epic drop....oh it gets better.....Its for a fury warrior! Oh yes, its freaking awesome!....and the lock decides if he wants to roll for it...for his alt pally. He decided not too (since I would find his grandma), but continues to argue with the group that its pally plate. Pally plate that has only strengt and stam stats with bonuses in crit and attack power (sorry I don't have the chest or name of the chest to link.) He argues with us until the last freaking boss and contends that we shoud all ROLL FOR IT!!!! Seriously?! WTF? And Lleu is all but jumping through his PC to strangle this kid. Even Amalore (who is about as laid about WoW as you get) was getting on this guy about being retarded. I couldn't freaking believe it.
Anyway, that's my rant for the day....
Sunday, September 2, 2007
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1 comment:
Seeing as how Slappy was off tanking BEHIND ME I doubt that he pulled that group. My guess would be it was the suxubus that was run all over the place. That Lock was a dirty, filthy liar.
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