Thursday, October 18, 2007

Effing Kara

I wanted to kill someone during our Kara run on Tuesday. The run itself wasn't half bad at all. Heck, I saw Curator, Chess, and Aran for the first time! Our leader made a mistake with Opera, but nothing special though very time consuming.

BTW- Since we are on this topix- DO NOT bypass Moroes to go straight to won't end well.

It was the effing warlock that pissed me off! I login and jump on vent and hit Kara BARELY in time to start the raid....well when it was scheduled anyways. We ended up downing things about 8:30 (half hour after we are scheduled to start). Anyways- Some guy is being obnoxious on vent- Not rude, just obnoxious. I talk about summoning people so we can get the show on the road. He immediately asks who it is and I let em know I am the MT. He asks my RL name....why I do not know. Not that's uber private info, but I don't really give out my RL name. I told him it was none of his damned business.....and from here it all goes downhill.

We finally start pulling....the warlock starts pulling rather. I didn't realize who was pulling just that it wasn't me. So Lleu sends me a tell letting me know who it is. I state rather calmly to stop pulling. Well, I thought I was rather calm, but I was mad which pretty much screws up the idea that I was nice. Either way I made it clear that he needs to stop pulling mobs. He doesn't listen to me for whatever reason. I ask again....I think I have reached ass mode at this point. He CONTINUES to pull! I have had enough at this point- I can't tank the mobs if they a running rampant because no one is talking and I am not pulling. So I decide to take a simple stand- Either he can stop pulling or he can find himself another MT. I want Kara, but I am not about to deal with some jackoff and have a bad night.

Whatever happened after that worked out well. He quit pulling and we started tearing through Karazhan! I got absolutely nothing, but greatly enjoyed the content and play of it all. I reckon this Tuesday we should be able to do a full clear...Wish us luck

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Heroic Mech...actually profitable

I am going to spare you the gory details of the worst rogue EVER name LanPartyCo. I am not going to tell you about how he could barely get above our Shadow Priest on threat even though he was pretty much EPICED OUT!!! No....I do not want to relive that horror.

Instead I will mention the good news! And that is DeathByOrc got some gear! Woot! I didn't get the Sun Eater like I wanted, but that's OK. I got a nice little tanking gem though!

Just after I got the Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden too! It worked out pretty darn well for me! I am not sure what I am going to put in the remaing yellow slot. I was actually thinking of popping in a +8 to hit rating gem in the slot. I know it sounds odd, but the higher my hit rating the more I hit, the more I hit the more rage I get, the more rage I have the more I can spam aggro building abilities! I have already topped my Defense rating to be uncritable, but I know it also counts for block, dodge, and parry.....We shall see...

The great news is that I got Vanguishers Legplate...not sure I entered the right name....the epic plate legs that drop from Calculator in Heroic Mech...

This is yet ANOTHER piece of my DPS gear! I am slowly building a nice little set for when I change to fury...and I heart fury!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Kara equals moving up in the world

I got some new gloves from Maiden! Ok- That's the good news, but lets go through the Kara run....otherwise this blog would just suck.

Savage Desire was set to run the raid a 8 O'clock.....we started at nine cause an officer was trying to get two raids going at once. That's OK...its for the guild...still sucks....

So we finally get in at nine and I am informed that I am the MT....this is my second time in Kara....and I am the MT....Yeehaw! At this point I am pretty proud of myself because I have shown myself competent enough to be a solid meatshield!

So we rip through the guys to Attumen! Attumen comes out ready to kill!....and the meatshield didn't catch him in time...but we all lived! Once I finally grabbed Attumen it was all downhill from there. By the time everyone was ready to Attumen (before he mounts up) I had more aggro then they could ever pull off of me. Our entire DPS group just unloaded on him...and HARD! He mounts up and drops to his death.

Next up- Moroes- I hate Moroes....not really....I like em a lot. Everyone ELSE hate Moroes...depending on the group. Moroes didn't go quite as well, but very well nonetheless. We got the WORST group you can for Moroes (MS Warrior, Holy Pally, Shadow Priest..I forgot the last one). The first time Dezzi, our main healer, died and we reset it. Not a big deal and Dezzi is up and running after a quick rez. Our raid leader takes an interesting approach at this point- Down the healer and priest and then shackle the last two, down Moroes while the other two are shackled and then unleash on them when Moroes is down. It worked well. Second shot for Moroes- Not bad considering the luck we had with the party.

Next up- Opera! We got the Big Bad Wolf- This had to be the most fun I have ever had in an instance. First time we wipe the entire raid. That's OK- Everyone is laughing at the meatshield cause he was little red riding hood when he died....
Second time- Took him down with only a little trouble. We had to pop a Battle Rez on our guy, but all in all he went down pretty well. I must admit...part of me is glad things are going well, but NO warrior gear...makes me sad.

We decide to make a quick jump to Maiden before we call it a night. Maiden somehow manages to whoop our ass. We run in with brief- Here it goes speech. After tanking her ass for about a minute I drop...and hard. The OT jumps in to take my place and does a damn fine job of doing so. Since the raid didn't stay in front of the pillars our healers couldn't get to them and we wiped. We laugh it off cause Maiden has become so easy for us. We jump right back in and the meatshield dies again after a few minutes...WTF?! Meatshield is confused why he is dead....again. Fortunately we downed Maiden the second the skin of our teeth. Our hunter, Lleu, managed to get his VERY last shot to down Maiden for the team! Lucky, lucky, shot.....but she was dead.

Much to my surprise the gloves drop off Maiden! I pass cause I think I have decent gloves to begin with...the my guildies point out that I am a n00b and give me the gloves. Not just any glvoes Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden I now have a SOLID set of DPS gloves AND tanking gloves! First thing the Meatshield did was get the Enchant gloves- Threat on my brand new spiffy gloves!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I finally got into Kara!!

Holy macaroni it was fun too! The BigRedCow's guild needed an OT and I was just the Meatshield for the job. I walked into Kara with almost nothing....not sharpening stones, no health pots, 4 bandages, and no flasks. To top it off, my jitter bugs were in full force. Never been in ANY kind of raid before and it was my friends guild! Oh noes.....can't look like a n00b....resist n00b temptations (that's what I keep telling myself)! Oh and our MT is slow in getting to us so we clear all the way to Midnight and Attumen with me as the MT.

It was very very fun for the most part. Being a raid n00b I quickly realized the different complexities with the boss fights. They like to do funny and odd things like mount up at 25% health....cause you see that everyday.....(use your sarcasm meter) =P

We took down Midnight, Moroes, and Maiden last night and I got the Barbed Choker Of Discipline! The guild continued on, but it was late and the time for bed had come. Stupid RL responsibilities

I guess I did pretty well cause I had the GM and Officer asking me to join the guild. Actually, the boss lady said I impressed her and that I need to join the guild. I really wanted to, but have a lot of other obligation throughout the week. I know I know.....WoW takes precedence over any real life obligation....but my wife would kill me

Death by wife= No more WoW.....ever.....

It worked out well though. I told the GM and Officer of my obligations and they are willing to work with me. So I changed guilds to Savage Desire! They welcomed be with open arms and I was instantly the OT for Raid group two! Woot!

Thank you SD for the opportunity and we shall have fun with the killing!....and me getting beat on =P