Sunday, December 2, 2007

Geared up for Kara?

I have found many tank who THINK they are geared for Kara are often mistaken. Here is a basic rundown of what you need and where to get it. First and foremost you need to be uncrittable. Uncrittable= +490 defense rating. This is one of the few non-negotiables for Kara. You can get buy with less then desired health, but you need to be uncrittable. Adding points into Defense skill in the prot tree helps things quite a bit.

This will take time and effort to pull off! Still, makes you pretty desirable for ANY group.....even heroics!

Here are a few options in regards to gemming items with + Defense Rating (DR).
Scroll down to the bottom of this page for information on +DR gems

Glyph of the Defender is an enchant offered from the Keepers of Time and provides +16 DR and +17 dodge rating to your helm
Great Helm of the Unbreakable provides +30 DR and drops from the first boss in Shattered Halls
Platinum Shield of the Valorous offers +24 DR. This drops off the first boss in Shadow Labs
Adamantine Figurine offers +32 DR. This drops from the second boss in Shadow Labs.
Figurine of the Colossus has +0 DR, but is a nice piece to round things off. It drops the last boss in Shattered Halls
Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard offers 20 DR
Obsidian Clodstompers offers +0 DR, but has two yellow sockets for a possible +16 DR. These drop from the second boss in Botanica
Shoulderguards of the Bold offers +17 DR with a yellow socket to add +8 DR. These drop from Murmur in Shadow Labs and Warlord Kalithresh in Steamvaults
Breastplate of the Bold has +19 DR. This drops from Harbring Skyriss in Arcatraz
Vindicator's Hauberk is another nice chest piece with a whopping +46 DR!
Inscription of Warding offers a little dodge rating if you are honored with Aldor
Inscription of the Knight offers +13 DR and is an inscriptions from the Scryer faction
Timewarden's Leggings has +18 DR and are a Rep reward from the Keepers of Time
Burnoose of Shifting Ages offer +26 DR. This drops from the first boss in Black Morass (Dark Portal)
Protector's Mark of Redemption offers +26 DR. You get this item from a quest The Path Of Conquest and is for both Horde and Alliance.
Felsteel Gloves offer +25 DR. These are crafted and pretty easy to get.

This will get you up to 261 DR not including any gems or enchants. Granted, I am missing a neckpiece, weapon, gun, and additional ring from this equation. I apologize, but I don't have the items to display anymore. If you find em let me know so I can update this entry!

The other thing you will want for Kara is a minimum of 11,000 life. The items listed above should cover quite a bit of that area. You will need to invest in a few enchants and lots of Solid Star of Elune to cover the missing ground.

1 comment:

ham902003 said...

you can buy vindicators armor kit which adds 8 to defense rating and if they aren't on ah the mats are cheap 3 heavy knothide leather and 1 primal earth but for basic gear lookup tagyourit on the daggerspine server i have pretty much basic gear for kara which i off tanked last night my defense rating is 508 and there is a trinkint you get off a quest in netherstorm called dabiri's enigma thottbot it cus that and the adamantite figurine are the best trinkets you can get for tanking unless you can craft a dawnstone crab you can get a stealweave enchant to for your cloak and you can have someone craft a cloak of eternity that has +31 to defense rating and you can buy crystalblade of the draenei and a shield of the wayward footman but if you go felsteel go with the gloves and helm not the pants get the timewardens leggings for that its just a rep vendor and they aren't expensive and band of determination and andormu's tear are good rings to get from reg instances band of determination drops in mgt and the tear is a quest reward again easy stuff to get and not expensive