Wednesday, September 12, 2007

High ho high ho it's off to Bot I go

First of all let me tell you that I am bona-fide retarded. I have been wearing a green for tanking since my first SLabs runs. Granted it is a decent tanking green with +20 defense rater, +30 to stam, and +26 to agility. Not the best tanking belt, but it definitely takes care of business. I become retarded when the quest for the Arcatraz key has far better tanking belt.....a belt I have had access to four about 4 months. I know....I guess I just love the abuse

At any rate, I had a good run through Botanica the other day. I just pugged it cause all my guildies were busy hitting SLabs. A holy priest, shadow priest and two warlocks in addition to myself. It was the most fun I have ever had in pug. We all knew we were overpowered for the instance. No real need for CC in Botanica. My only concern was holding aggro in this DPS fest. However, we did it...flawlessly. Took out Warprifter (I think thats his name) is under 90 minutes. Used Seed of Corruption for the large pulls and it was down.

This part was a little tricky since SoC will grab aggro from me without any problems. Add the plus damage from the priest and two SoC's and it could easily be a wipe. We found a simple way to fix this. Have the priest bubble and run in spamming thunderclap. After a few shots the locks threw out SoC like mad. By the time they began aggroing the locks the SoC starting popping and they all fell down.

In fact, the 4 elites birds and bird trainer were downed by simply hitting everyone with Seed of Corruption x2 with an additional 5% shadow dmg from the shadow priest. Unfortunately, nothing dropped for anyone. Nonetheless, it was one heckuva run with easy rep and good fun!

I am thinking about putting together a basic list of how to clear certain who to CC, who to silence, how to pull effectively.....I don't know though...I am pretty lazy.....

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