Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Meatshield....not so much....

You read it right.......The Meatshield decided he wanted to start killing things again. Its only a temp thing so you don't need to cry. I will be back to prot sooner or later.....preferably later un less Kara runs start happening.

However, since I am no longer a Meatshield I have several questions. Well....maybe not several, but enough that I want to post a blog about it.

I respecced to Fury so I can also do some instances. I figure its the prime DPS spec and give me a chance to run things while still being a valuable played. I am presently using Stellaris and Latro's Shifting Blade as my MH/OH (Main hand/ Off-hand). I still have most of my tanking gear on since the DPS increase simply isn't worth it. After a bit of research I decided that just going after the Doomplate set is probably the best way to go.

Here are my questions- Using what I know from pre-BC I have a 21% chance to miss while dual wielding. OK....that really sucks....
Since I put three points in precision (increases by hit rather by 1% per point) I stand at 18% without any buff from gear. +16 to hit rating= 1% to hit.
+16 to hit rating= 1%
+288 to hit rating= 18% = I do not miss
That will be my goal then....+288 to hit rating....this is going to suck

There are a few pieces of the Doomplate that really help in this regard. The legs over 35 to hit rating which covers about 2% to hit rating. I will have to look over all the Doomplate again and add the holes.

Here are my questions- How bid of a role should the crit rating be? Crit is always important, but is rarely congruent with +str gear.

I guess that's really my only question....Please comment with your notes and advice =)


Anonymous said...
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Lleu said...

Haha meaty has blogger spam already! And you lie.... your back to prot already cause you love the abuse :P