Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I finally got into Kara!!

Holy macaroni it was fun too! The BigRedCow's guild needed an OT and I was just the Meatshield for the job. I walked into Kara with almost nothing....not sharpening stones, no health pots, 4 bandages, and no flasks. To top it off, my jitter bugs were in full force. Never been in ANY kind of raid before and it was my friends guild! Oh noes.....can't look like a n00b....resist n00b temptations (that's what I keep telling myself)! Oh and our MT is slow in getting to us so we clear all the way to Midnight and Attumen with me as the MT.

It was very very fun for the most part. Being a raid n00b I quickly realized the different complexities with the boss fights. They like to do funny and odd things like mount up at 25% health....cause you see that everyday.....(use your sarcasm meter) =P

We took down Midnight, Moroes, and Maiden last night and I got the Barbed Choker Of Discipline! The guild continued on, but it was late and the time for bed had come. Stupid RL responsibilities

I guess I did pretty well cause I had the GM and Officer asking me to join the guild. Actually, the boss lady said I impressed her and that I need to join the guild. I really wanted to, but have a lot of other obligation throughout the week. I know I know.....WoW takes precedence over any real life obligation....but my wife would kill me

Death by wife= No more WoW.....ever.....

It worked out well though. I told the GM and Officer of my obligations and they are willing to work with me. So I changed guilds to Savage Desire! They welcomed be with open arms and I was instantly the OT for Raid group two! Woot!

Thank you SD for the opportunity and we shall have fun with the killing!....and me getting beat on =P

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